By: Sydney Brammer

Students have had their original plans for Spring Break cancelled due to the Coronavirus. Because of this, they have had to work around it and come up with something fun to do at home to replace their original plans.

Lillie Wasem, ’23, had original plans of visiting Colorado for Spring Break before they were recently cancelled. She was very upset because she was “really looking forward to going there and exploring.”

However, to replace those plans, her and her family spent time hanging out with each other which was “nice because we are all normally so busy so we got to settle down and have more time together.” The Wasems played lots of games and had fun!

To celebrate Easter, her and her family just hung out and had a brunch and dinner at home. They also FaceTimed their family.

Ella Carney ’22 and her sister, Tessa have become pretty creative on things to do to spend their time during “Spring Break”. They’ve painted, had drawing competitions, done relay races outside, and their family has had a lot of game nights.

Ella Carney (right) posing with her sister, Tessa at Rocky Hill

The Carneys’ original plan for Spring Break was to visit Hunnington Beach with their family and friends. They’ve done it a couple times in the past and they rent a house and live there for that week.

To celebrate Easter, the Carneys watched the Radiant Church Service and got little baskets when they woke up. They also played Kahoot which had questions about one person in the family and the rest of the family tries to get the most right.

The biggest disappointment for Carney about that week was not being able to leave the house because of quarantine.

Grace Arnold, ’21, made the best out of these unfortunate circumstances. She learned how to make bagels, FaceTimed with FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes- a club at Redwood), and planted a garden.

Arnold and her brothers cutting oranges to make orange juice

However, Arnold originally was supposed to go to Mexico for Spring Break with her youth group for a mission trip. It’s one of her favorite ways of serving.

The Arnolds posing for a picture

To celebrate Easter, the Arnolds relaxed and watched Church, took some pictures, ate wonderful meals, and enjoyed an evening walk.

The biggest disappointment about that week for her was not being able to see her friends in Mexico and those she travels with, her track buddies, friends she would see everyday at school, and her normal schedule.

Praise Subejano posing for a picture with her dog

During the ‘Spring Break,” Praise Subejano, ’20, and her neighbors played flashlight tag so there was no contact involved, but still super fun.

Subejano’s original plan for Spring Break was since Senior Ditch Day was supposed to be the Friday before, her and her friends were going to rent an Airbnb in Pismo and were planning on staying there for two nights. Then afterwards, she was going to throw a party and go camping with some of her cousins a few days after.

What Subejano usually does for Easter is her whole family goes to her aunt’s house and have a pool party and an Easter egg hunt with age groups. However with the circumstances, they had to keep their distance and just had an egg hunt and dinner with her immediate family.

The biggest disappointment for Subejano was not being able to have a Spring Break Bash. Subejano says, “I was really looking forward to all of my Spring Break adventures with my friends too.”

These are just a couple of students from Redwood that had their original plans for Spring Break cancelled, but yet still worked around it and still had fun. Even with the unfortunate circumstances, good things and memories still prevail. Make the best out of what you’re given! Happy late Easter!

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