By: Emma Sanchez and Bella Aldridge

Photo Credit: Abigail Miller, ’22
For many years Homecoming has been an ongoing tradition here at Redwood. This is a time where different clubs, sports, and extracurriculars nominate a special person who they believe has gone above and beyond in what they are involved in.
From there, Redwood Seniors vote for who they think fits the title of Homecoming queen. Since Redwood High School is known for its culture, these school leaders in clubs, sports, and extracurriculars play a vital role in the culture and environment of Redwood today.
On Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 at 11:30 AM, Redwood had their traditional Homecoming Luncheon despite what this unfortunate year has brought us. The girls had to remain 6 feet apart at the tables, and wear masks, however that didn’t stop them from having all the fun.
Homecoming nominee, Madelyn Adams, ’21 was nominated by the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and has been a part of the club for three years. She joined because she, “love(s) the skills that you gain and I think it’s a great community that holds a great legacy.” FBLA is one of the largest clubs on campus and is a great place for students who show a passion for entrepreneurship.

Photo Credit: Abigail Miller, ’22
Another large club here at Redwood is the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) holding over 200 students! Katherine Tejada, ’21 “was nominated by CSF and (is) a lifetime member, as well as the president this year.” When it comes to Homecoming week she enjoys, “the spirit days and thinks it’s a great way to show (her) Redwood pride and is an awesome way to go all out for Senior year.” CSF is a great way for students to get involved in the community and it helps recognize students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement such as Tejada.

Photo Credit: Aidan Hatch, ’22
Aya Aziz, ’21 was nominated by Redwood’s Chamber Orchestra and has, “been in Chamber Orchestra since Freshman year. I started when I was 10 in fifth grade and have continued playing since.” She is excited about Homecoming and is just “happy that life at Redwood is going back to normal, (she) think(s) this is just a really great way to end Senior year and is really grateful.”

Photo Credit: Abigail Miller, ’22
The first male to ever run for Homecoming queen here at Redwood is Ahsab Alabedin, ’21. He was nominated by Avid and has, “been a part of it since middle school, about six years now” He finds that being a part of this is, “Pretty historic, it’s also funny too… I don’t know what to expect.”

Photo Credit: Aidan Hatch, ’22
Associated Student Body (ASB) is an extracurricular and class here at Redwood. It helps create and make the goals of Redwood come true. Anyah Tillman, ’21 a second-year member, was nominated by this class and “was the commissioner of diversity last year and this year (is) the treasurer.” Due to COVID this year, these ladies were not able to have escorts, but Tillman says she’s, “Not really into the escort thing. (She) like(s) the idea that we got to just be by ourselves and just be who we are rather than trying to find somebody else to be our partner, so I enjoy having independence and not having an escort at all.”
Voting for Top 5 ends today, the 23rd at 3:30 PM! Only Seniors can vote!
“Good luck to everyone that’s competing, I’m excited to see who’s in the Top 5!”
Anyah Tillman, ’21
Tags: homecoming, homecoming luncheon, homecoming nominees, homecoming queen, homecoming week 2021, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood highschool, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, rhs