By: Johan Satorre

Redwood Gigantea’s government section has been conducting a survey on government awareness. We surveyed all four classes to see if they could identify their representatives in the Senate, House of Representatives, and executive branch.

The purpose of conducting this survey was partly out of curiosity, but it was mainly to help the Gigantea’s government section better structure our articles around our reader’s knowledge.

Overall, the school did very well. Almost everyone was able to identify the president correctly. The majority of students were also able to identify our Representative in the House.

This November, Republican Congressman, Devin Nunes won re-election against Democrat, Andrew Janz. There have been lots of lawn signs around town for both candidates, so it is natural that people would choose Janz.

Students only had trouble identifying their Senators. About 20% did not realize that there is always two Senators in the state. However, a large majority were able to identify at least one of the two.

If you wish to learn more about your representatives, you can check out Ballotpedia. It is a nonpartisan site that gives information about your representatives.

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