By: Megan Watson

From sliding into your crush’s DM’s to ultimately ghosting a partner, the concept of dating in today’s society has been shifted by the rise of social media. In order to not fall behind on time and lose your chances at your wcw/mcm, it is essential to learn the absolute art of talking to someone. Welcome to your guide to dating in the 21st century.

Before learning how to flirt, or effectively slide into your crush’s DM’s, you have to know the modern slang of the dating world.

Ghosting: When a person cuts off all communication with the person they are dating without any notice or warning. Like a ghost, the person disappears without a whisper into the wind. 

Benching: This is when someone is dating more than one person at a time. Like having a full team line up AND having a backup on the bench just in case one person does not work out.

Hot Girl Summer: created by rapper Megan Thee Stallion, Hot Girl Summer is all about ladies having, being themselves, and owning the summer. 

Hot Boy Fall/ City Boys: Now it’s boys turn to have some fun. City boys spend most of their time flirting with girls and living their best life.

Breadcrumbing: Sorry ladies you are most guilty of this one, breadcrumbing is when someone leads a potential partner on with flirting but has no intention of actually meeting up.

Shipping: The act of wanting/supporting two individuals involved in a romantic relationship

Drafting: It’s drafting season ladies and gentlemen. Before getting cuffed in the cold winter, you must draft a list of potential partners that you would want to be your boo. Think of it as fantasy football for the heart.

Cuffing: The great finish line, cuffing is when you and your crush finally become official and start dating. To remember the definition, just imagine taking a pair of handcuffs, cuffing yourself to your crush, and then throw away the key and hope you do not get tired of each other.

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