By: Vincent Aldridge and Krissy Hetherington

This week, a freshman named Marcus Correa did something no one thought was possible: he was promoted. But not just to JV, he was promoted all the way to Varsity! Last week, on Thursday, he made his Varsity debut. But what prompted Coach Ball to promote him so early? Under Coach Ball, no freshman had ever been promoted to Varsity, AND started the game! Either he’s just that good, or your Rangers are just desperate.

Your Redwood football Rangers sprinting out of the tunnel

The one thing that fueled his decision was that he, “thought that he was ready to do it.” He also added, “He’s pretty mature for his age, and I knew that he was able to help us at that position.” He made this very clear, and made it obvious that he chose Marcus for a very big reason.

The thing that Ball likes about him, is that, “he’s a good kid, he’s a hard worker… and comes from good parents.” Hopefully, he is good enough, and he can help your 1-4 Rangers. Because, if something doesn’t go right for Redwood, they may miss out on the playoffs this year. So far, the Rangers are two games back on rival Mt.Whitney.

When Marcus was asked what his initial thoughts were when he moved up to Varsity, he said that it’s no big deal, because he had always played for the more experienced teams throughout his life, so he thought “why not?”. He is most excited for playing on Varsity, because he knows a lot of the kids on that team and he’s excited to play with them. Correa says he has nothing to worry about, because he’s strong and athletic. He points out that Varsity also goes at “a much faster pace than the freshman games.”

The Rangers have their next home game vs. the (2-3) Lemoore Tigers on Friday, September 28. Hopefully, Marcus can pull through, and make some big plays for your Rangers. Because if they don’t, there’s a good chance Redwood will have to miss the playoffs this year.

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