Prom season is coming up and that means getting a group together, what color you are going to where, where to eat and most importantly, what to wear on the day of prom. For all you lovely students who are choosing to wear a dress to prom, but simply cannot afford to buy yourself one you are in luck! There is a way to get a free prom dress with an accessory for juniors and seniors.

Not everyone can afford to purchase a dress due to the fact that prom is too expensive and to be honest it shouldn’t be. To get yourself a free prom dress, you must head into the counselling office and sign up. You must make sure you are signed up before heading over to the event. This event will have over 1000 dresses, sizes ranging from 0-30 and you can ask for minor alterations for your dress on sight! You don’t have to worry about the color selection because with 1000 options to choose from, you won’t have to worry and there are different dress lengths to fit your taste. This amazing event will be held on Saturday, April 13th from 6am-1pm at the Wyndham Hotel, in Visalia.

If you already have plans to purchase a prom dress, but your closet is packed with dresses you won’t be using anytime soon or ever, then why don’t you donate them. To donate your dresses, make sure they are gently used and contact the event coordinator Laura at (559) 303-1427 or email her for more information or any questions you have for the event. Everyone deserves to have the perfect prom experience and budget shouldn’t be the reason to prevent that from happening.

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