By: Angelina Gomez -Staff Writer

Now that Harvest is over, it’s time to start getting ready for Formal. Like Harvest, Formal is a dance where kids get to go and have fun with their friends.

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Some kids start getting ready weeks before the event. It’s never too early to start getting ready for an event, like formal. Kaitlyn Williamson, ’19, says,  “No, I do not think it’s too soon to start getting ready for formal. I think it’s a great time to start getting ready, so girls can get their dresses and shoes situated, so can the boys.” Asking in advanced is a lot easier because you’ll be able to book appointments a lot quicker.

Some students are excited to ask other students to formal and to start preparing for it. Wendy Rodriguez, ’19, says, “It’s better to ask 3 weeks before because you have more options to choice from, such as, dresses and you can plan what you are going to do maybe as a group or just with you and your partner.” Asking someone weeks before formal is good for both you and the person you’re asking because it gives you both time to have things ready, and you’re not as rushed.

On the other hand, people like to ask at the last minute, by last minute I mean like days before formal. Asking this late, doesn’t give you and your partner a whole lot of time to prepare. Rylie Jundt, ’22, says, “I think the best time to ask someone to formal is probably a week before.” “I don’t think people need that much time to prepare for formal.” says Jundt. Dress shops raise their prices on dresses, causing you to spend a lot more money than you expected. This is why it’s best to do things in advance, because it will be a lot cheaper and more fun for everyone. 

Formal will be held on December 8th, 2018, at the El Diamante High School Gym from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. so come out and enjoy your night.

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