By: Malayna Nieto

Monday August 29th, Redwood High School is hosting a homecoming rally. Members of the dance department speak out on the practices and hard work taking place for the event.

Dance Force Captains this year are Madison Andrade ‘23, Bryann Block ‘23, and Tegan Horton ‘23. 

Dance Force Captain Madison Andrade ’23

Andrade says that they always start by “mixing” new song for the rally.

Andrade says they wanted to “stay on theme” and they “had to find a bunch of golden ticket songs to match with the homecoming theme.” 

Bryann Block ‘23 says the best part about preparing for the homecoming rally was “being able to put a dance together to the mix Mrs.Lapp worked hard on and made.”

First year International Dance member Will Kennedy ‘23 says “ The first and second day we already learned flips and met everyone so we could start learning the dance”

Kennedy says he was “nervous at first but now its not so nerve wracking because I’ve been doing it” 

Michele Lapp
Dance Coach

Dance Force coach Mrs. Michele Lapp says, “It takes some time to brainstorm theme ideas, edit music, and create choreography so we have to squeeze a lot of activities into a short amount of time.”

Lapp also says that in past years, “we have had a few more weeks to set expectations for officers, team captains, and students.”

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Malayna Nieto
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Malayna Nieto is a '23 journalist. She is apart of Redwoods Dance Force, Healthcare Professionals club, Ranger Tv, Redwood Gigantea, and Link Crews president. You can reach her by emailing:


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