Clubs & Lifestyles
Blue Crew Flag Runners
By: Mackinley Dennewith By painting their stomachs and arms, dressing all out in blue crew gear, and starting chants for the student section, Redwood Flag Runners serve as an important […]
What’s Up with Auto, Metal, and Wood Shop
By: Alyssa Cantu Auto, Metal, and Wood shop class all contribute to provide insight into how things really work. These classes truly teach young adults useful tips and skills they […]
Color Guard is Working Hard
By: Audrey Longan Color Guard is working hard everyday on their routines for a field show. Kalysta Holland ‘20, Color Guard Captain, says Color Guard is “helping us to prepare […]
How Do High School Students Get It All Done?
By: Helen Webb It is hard to understand how one student can manage to take multiple AP classes, play sports, and do this all with a job on top. Some […]