By: Estrella McDaniel & Angelina Gomez -Staff Writers

On Tuesday October 16th Redwood hosted a spooky haunted house and carnival on Vista campus.

The Nightmare on Vista St. is a tradition here at Redwood High School, we do it every year. Students from Link Crew and staff all get together to create a haunted house. Every year is a different theme, this year it was scary movies theme. Throughout the haunted house there were different scary movie themes. 

Mrs. Wall, P.E. teacher, says “the students always get to pick what they want, and so this year the decided to do scary movies.” Last year, the haunted house theme was “American Horror Story”. This year the theme was scary movies, such as, It, Halloween, Chucky, and The Purge.

“There’s 5 different groups within the class and each group picked a different scary movie and then they’re assigned a section and then they go as best as they can to fill their space with things that relate to their movie”, says Wall.

The Nightmare on Vista St. wasn’t just open to Redwood students, it was open to friends and family, to come out and get spooked. “It was a great turn out, I think we had about 400 people come through,” says Wall.

Justine San Miguel, ’22, says after experiencing the walk-through, “I loved the haunted house, it was very nice. My favorite part of the haunted house was The Purge…I liked all the masks that they used and how close they got to you,” says San Miguel. With the people getting so close to you, it made you feel like you were in the movie itself which appealed to many students.

Christian Garza, ’19, also attended the haunted house Redwood had. Garza says, “My favorite part of the haunted house was the entrance, because that’s what you seen first, and it’s what grabbed your attention.” The entrance was the focal point because you could see it in the line as you were waiting.

Sabrina Gutierrez, ’19, was apart of the Nightmare on Vista St. this past Tuesday, she helped with The Purge section of the haunted house. “We picked “The Purge,” because the whole concept of the movie is just like creepy because it’s really realistic, and a couple of us in our group liked “The Purge,” says Sabrina. In order to make their section scary they walked around with guns and skipped around creepily in order to frighten others.

To help the process there were five others who came up with ideas to help contribute to their section and they all played different characters from the other movies. In order for everyone to get involved they all helped make posters and they all came together to set up for their section.

The Nightmare on Vista St. turned out very well and was able to scare most people very much. The carnival was a very nice ending for the night to where we got to play games and win candy for prizes. For those who didn’t come this year make sure to come out next year then you too can experience the fright of Nightmare on Vista St. 

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