Carissa Chavez
Guardians of the Grounds: The Untold Stories of Campus Supervisors
The campus supervisors at Redwood High school are not always recognized for the job that they carry and the relationships that they have with students on campus. Four campus supervisors share their roles at Redwood and how they impact the Redwood community.
The Meaning of Love to our Rangers
According to the Oxford dictionary, the meaning of “Love” is feeling an intense deep affection towards someone whether it be your friends, family, or relationships. Rangers share their affection towards […]
Nature’s Classroom: The SCICON Experience
Rangers who signed up throughout the year to volunteer as a SCICON counselor share their favorite parts and experiences. By: Carissa Chavez and Emmah Abney As a SCICON counselor, there […]
The Military Option: Senior Students Commit to Military Service After High School
For some students, College is not their first option. Students planning to join the military after high school share their motivations. By: Isabel Barycki and Carissa Chavez After high school, […]