By: Ella Carney

Boys wrestling competed in a match on Wednesday the 12th. The boys fought hard and did they’re best resulting in more wins than losses in this match. 

Coach Watts stated that, “it is definitely a rebuilding year for us for sure.” But that just encourages the rest of the team to be their best wrestler and put their hearts into each and every match that much more. 

Jarron Sullivan ’19, stated before the match, “Who knows what could happen. There are a couple good people on both teams and it all depends on the weight class so we’ll see.” Sullivan being one of two seniors on the team has played all four years of his high school career and loves the sport. 

The boys still have a number of matches to compete in before the season ends and they are looking forward to every single one to come. Support the team in their next match on Friday-Saturday 12-14, 15 at the Mike Tamana Invite in Modesto.

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