On Friday, September 6, the members of the Black Student Union (BSU) club traveled over to COS where they explored many other cultures.

By: Ashley M. Acevedo and Xochitl Garza

Black Student Union went on a trip to College of the Sequoias (COS) to learn more about their culture. The members of the club who went recalled their experiences, which included learning many ethnic backgrounds, learning how to play drums, and getting to see people dressed in their traditional clothing.

Allysa Vasquez, ‘26, the Vice President of BSU, tells how the club wants to bring attention to their African American culture, as it does not yet get a lot of recognition.

Vasquez states that though they did not learn a lot about their history, “We did a vision board and stuff.”

BSU with other students learning
how to play the African drums
Photo Courtesy of Powell

Karisma Powell, ‘28, told her experience on how the trip went for her. From eye catching performances, to what many people who went to the field trip liked, the drums.

Powell says, along with many other members who were interviewed, that, “A fun moment was when we played the African drums.” 

Powell later states that she saw people dressed in their traditional clothing. Describing what she remembered, she says, “they had in their hair beads, and really long drag braids.”

Drayton Hall, ‘28, shares his thoughts on his trip to COS, recalling the food and experiences he had there.

Hall thought back to what he saw and learned, saying that he “learned how to play the drums and we learned a lot about African culture.”

Elaborating on the drums, Hall pointed out that the person who played the drums was “really committed. He was sweating and everything.”

Group photo of the Black Student Union
Photo Courtesy of Powelll

Carmel Dior Hall, ‘26, gives a quick recap of her time at COS. 

Dior Hall states that a fun moment was “banging our hands” on the drums.

Aryes Madden, ‘26, shares what she learned while she was at COS.

While a lot of the members learned about backgrounds of cultures, drums, and walking through many classrooms, Madden shares that “we learned how to write poetry.”

The members recall how they had fun learning and saw many new things. Powell said, “it was [a] fun experience, and I hope more people can experience that.”

Xochitl Garza
+ posts
Ashley Acevedo
5599097432 | ashle.ac7243@vusd.us | + posts

Hello! I hope my Bio finds ya'll well! I love my journalism class and my dream is to go to Princeton <3 -Ash


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