Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
Freshmen Reactions to Redwood
By Abigail Miller- Staff Writer This year Redwood brought in tons of new students. The Redwood Gigantea took some time to go talk to a couple of our new students […]
Redwood’s Tennis Team Swings into the Season
By: Ciera Sesock Redwood’s girls tennis varsity team has a 172 match winning streak. Can they keep it going and become champions or will they lose it all? According to […]
Home Opener: Rangers vs. The Tribe
The night of August 31, 2018 was a rollercoaster for fans and spectators as they witnessed the 20-67 Tulare Union, (3-0) win over Redwood, (0-2). Side note: The Tribe were […]
ASB Freshman Election
Written by Leah Navarro It’s a new year and that means ASB are looking for some new freshmen advisers. In a couple of weeks freshmen will be campaigning against each […]
Get Breakfast and Lunch for Free!
Students are now able to have the nutrition they need if they don’t have the ability to have it at home or don’t have time. This policy will benefit both students and families which will make a difference in the district.
Unfair Dress code
Written by Anissa Garcia Many people have taken notice to the now strictly enforced dress code on campus. Not only is it unfair but its also taking away from our […]
Trump’s Toughest Week
“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!” – President Trump
Girls Golf Finds the Hole
The girls golf team has been traveling from county to county, practicing on different courses to improve their game for the upcoming season. The varsity team competed against Tulare Union […]
What’s Drama Up To?
With the new year, Drama has already prepared and started planning to have a Fall play later this semester on November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. It’s called, “It’s a Wonderful […]
New Club Officers of the School Year
Mock Trial is a student run team that competes against other schools in a simulated court case. They carefully plan and rehearse their roles for months, before competing at the county and, later, state level.