Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
The Impact of Change?
Coming back from a three week winter break, the school district decided to have a change in the school schedule.
Supporting Local Businesses: Quesadilla Gorilla
Downtown Visalia has quite the variety of restaurants to choose from. It’s no secret to local foodies that a Visalia eatery staple is Quesadilla Gorilla.
What are Safety Key Chains?
Starting new businesses or even keeping up with a business, especially during the pandemic, has not been quite easy.
The 2021 Schedule Changes
After months of hearing rumors about the school schedule changing, it finally happened; the schedule changed.
FBLA Succeeds at Section Conference
In the past week, Redwood’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) team participated in the Central Section Leadership Conference online.
Students’ Perspectives on ASB
By: Haley Michelson Redwood’s ASB (Associated Student Body) is a very popular club, especially during events such as Cowhide. A lot of work goes into having a spot in this […]
Human Rights Activist Shines at Redwood
By: Lily Mendes The year of 2020 has been challenging for everyone in the Redwood High School family, consistently jumping hurdles through the Covid-19 pandemic. Through all the struggles that […]
Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit
By: Devynn Brown On October 23, 2020, Netflix released the show The Queen’s Gambit. It quickly became in the top ten most watched shows on Netflix and had a huge […]
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Post Views: 29 nmillerWebsite | + postsImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach some […]