Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.

Redwood football faces their biggest challenge yet

By Tyler Stark | October 15, 2021

Last week Redwood football had their first dominant win of the season, as they destroyed Golden West 41-0, to improve to their 2-4 record that they have been struggling with this season. Everything was clicking for the Rangers last Friday, leading to a full-proof win.

Where are the Band Uniforms?

By Yoselin Reynoso | October 15, 2021

Band’s first competition was on October 9th and their new uniforms didn’t arrive on time, meaning their first competition was in their old uniforms.

Flashback Friday: The New Senior Court

By Staff Report | October 15, 2021

Flashback Friday.  From the April 2nd, 1971 issue of The Gigantea. Redwood High School benefitted from a bond measure that paid for the modernization of the campus in 1969/1970. Every […]

Environmentally Concerned Rangers Unite To Tackle Local Challenges: Green Club Returns

By Autumn Batti | October 15, 2021

Redwood Green Club, which focuses on recycling and conservation, helps to keep our community and environment clean.

Redwood Places Second In Golf Meet

By Emma Jenan | October 14, 2021

This Thursday, Redwood golf is competing in a meet with Visalia golf teams, here’s what some of the girls had to say. 

Redwood choir has their first public concert in nearly two years

By Allyson Zamora | October 14, 2021

Student performers involved in Redwood’s choir had the opportunity to amaze Redwood audiences once again. All of Redwood’s choir students came together in the L.J. Williams Theater on October 12. […]

Ranger Band Sees New Success with the new “Normal”

By Alana Soukkhasem | October 14, 2021

How do Redwood’s band members feel about competing against other high schools? 

Redwood’s Intermediate Orchestra returns with a large class size

By Micah Stipech | October 13, 2021

Redwood High School is now properly back in action; students are getting accustomed to their routines, classes, and lives here. The major groups participating in Redwood are now in full-swing, […]

Redwood’s Tie-Dye Thursday at the Quad

By Ryan Kaspar | October 13, 2021

On October 7th, Redwood High School’s ASB organized a tie-dying event in the quad for the football game against Golden West. The event was made to encourage school spirit and […]

New freshman volleyball coach: Anna Aguilar

By Hannah Stephens | October 13, 2021

As the new school year begins, so does some of our sports’ teams coaching. With the complications of last year’s restrictions and lack of sports, there have been many changes […]

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Adriana Soria-Rosales