Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
Ranger Sports Report Episode 20: Seth Lopez and Aidan Hatch Recap Their Podcast Journey
Podcast hosted by Seth Lopez ’23 and co-hosted/edited by Aidan Hatch ’22. In the final episode of the Ranger Sports Report, Lopez and Hatch decide to recap the highlights of […]
Ranger Sports Report Episode 19: Kylie Maurice and Jezarai Allen Discuss Softball
Podcast hosted by Seth Lopez ’23 and co-hosted/edited by Aidan Hatch ’22. In the 19th episode of the Ranger Sports Report, Lopez and Hatch bring on Kylie Maurice ’22 and […]
Senior Wishes At Disneyland For Grad Nite 2022
Grad night for Redwood High School’s seniors is this week on May 25th. The seniors are excited to finally have a real graduation and to have more senior experiences that many did not get to have due to COVID-19.
Photogallery: Men’s Soccer WYL Valley Championship Ring Ceremony
nmillerWebsite | + postsBioImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach some literature at […]
Photo Gallery: Senior BBQ Log Night
Seth Lopez+ postsBioSeth Lopez (´23) is a Senior second year writing for the Gigantea. Seth works for the sports section of the Gigantea . Seth is a part of the […]
Current FFA officers welcome upcoming officers at their annual banquet
By Donya Hassanshahi On Monday May 9, the 2021-2022 FFA (Future Farmers of America) officer team parted with their positions as the upcoming 2022-2023 officer team inherited the responsibility for […]
Contains Spoilers: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a “Breath of Fresh Air”
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness released in theaters on May 6, 2022. Many were looking forward to the movie , especially after seeing the trailer after Spiderman: No way home.
Redwood students find employment at new Dutch Bros Coffee
By Maria Hernandez As the end of the school year approaches, Visalia is welcoming a brand new Dutch Bros coffee stand, and many students from many different schools applied and […]
The Film Friendly Four: Redwood Grabs Four Awards at this year’s Slick Rock Film Festival
On May 13th 2022, Redwoods Video students competed in the Slick Rock Music festival. With 600 submissions entered in this year’s competition in 12 categories from students all over the San Joaquin Valley four of Redwoods videos took home the Slick Rock Award which includes “Chose Life” an Opioids Fentanyl Story, “Miss You” a Music Video, Ranger TV Mandy Redden Story and “Return of the Ranger” a sports highlight.
Redwood Holds Annual One Act Show for the First Time in Three Years
In preparation for Redwoods Annual One Act Show, members in Drama and Theater have dedicated the past 12 weeks into practicing for this show which is taking place in the Rotary theater on May 26, 27, and 28.