By Lily Mendes, Emily Silva, Jadyn Fowler, Madison Fortney

The Student Section


Everyone can feel the excitement that is vibrating off the students, players, and staff. Many Redwood students have the perspective on the student section having a big impact on the outcome of Friday’s game.

Sierra Cavazos, ’23, said that, “The student section, balloons, cheering, and music really hyped up the crowd and players. The students motivation definitely helped lead Redwood to a win.”

Brian See, ‘22 noticed that, “Redwood’s student section always knows how to pump up the crowd! They always bring positive vibes to Friday games. I look forward to Friday night’s because I know I get to support my fellow Rangers.”

Dioney Tostado, ‘21 stated that,”Friday night’s football game was really fun. It was definitely a new experience being on TV. Having the student section hyped up was by far the best part.” 

Luis Leon, ‘20 felt that, “The student section added school spirit by playing music and hyping up the crowd and the players.” 

Overall the student section is known for bringing their spirit on Friday nights. Many students believe that without the student section Redwood football wouldn’t quite be the same.

Varsity Football Players

The varsity football players felt that they are going to have a good season this year, with the exception that their biggest competition is Tulare Union and Dinuba according to Varsity player Eric Lopez ’21.

Varsity was able to beat Dinuba and Tulare Union which they thought was going to be their biggest challenge. Varsity is starting off with a very good year already by winning their first game of the season.

Lopez believes “this will be our best year we’ve had” . He says the players have improved so much this year and have definitely been improving from last year.

Flag Runners

Flag runners play an important role in the football games by bringing energy to the crowd and introducing the football players. According to Evan House, 20′, “we don’t practice for the football games, however we do meet up after school to set up.”

Whenever Rangers make a touchdown, the flag runners have a push up contest it adds to the football culture.  The poles that they run with are a lot of weight taking strength to move with. All in all, the flag runners are considered to be a big part of the football games.

Ranger Band

Band is a very important part of football culture because they take a lot of time out of their summer and school to prepare for games.

Gabriella Matta, 21’ states that, “ We practice really hard and are on the field all the time.” Band definitely adds to the entertainment at football games along with working really hard to entertain the student section.

Band takes a lot of time to practice for the games, they are always going to the extent to put together an amazing performance for the football games. They spend a lot of time after school to prepare for what they’re wanting to play and make the games more entertaining for everyone to enjoy.

Dance Force

Dance force is a very fun entertainment group that we get to see during the half time show for the football games. Dance force puts in a lot of effort in order to create routines to perform for the student section and families.

Dance force performs to support redwood during the football games, along with entertaining the students and parents. Lilly Reid ’20, says “we can pull a dance together within 4 weeks before a game”. When it comes to seeing the dance it is easy to see all the time and effort they put into the choreography in order for the students have a good time.

Aubree Castillo tells us “we have practices with band and cheer during first period to be prepared for the games”. Band, cheer, and dance force come together and practice very hard for the half time show for the students to enjoy, they are always having a great time on the field; they always hype up the football players and student section.

Dance Force at Rally


Cheer plays a really fun and important part in the football games also. The cheerleaders are always having fun with the games and are always wanting to hype up the football players and everyone who is in the stands. Cheer works very hard to put cheers together.

Cheer works and practices with Dance Force and Band in order to add to the whole dynamic of ranger spirit. The routines are practiced and perfected in first period ,and then brought down to the field. The cheerleaders play a big role in hyping up the crowd while also motivating our football players to win.

Culture is a main part of Redwood on Friday nights. Everyone comes together to show support to band, the football player, cheer, and dance force. These people put in a very big amount of effort to show the students what Redwood is all about.

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