By: Ella Carney and Sydney Brammer

Being a student athlete takes a lot of time and dedication, especially participating in a sport all 4 years. Many who play a spring sport are very passionate about what they do. Being on a varsity team here at Redwood gives tough competition which the student athletes’ love. Here are the incredible 4 year varsity athletes for the spring season.

For softball, the girls all have played out of a love for the sport and they cannot imagine doing anything else. Abby Hillan, Emilie Hernandez, Jordyn Montoya, Emily Ibarra, and Pyra Burns all share the memory of winning valley and WYL their Junior year. The team can easily be described as “sisters”, says Hernandez, after playing together they all have a strong bond that cannot be broken.

Montoya loves to play because not only did her mom play, but she got into it and has a passion for softball. She also says that, “this year was really cool too because we came back from a tough beginning.” The girls can all also agree that a big highlight from their high school career is winning WYL. Burns continued to play softball all 4 years because “it’s always been her hobby since she was a little girl and wants to continue as she gets older.”

For boys golf, John Vega and Tyler deAsis are friends on and off the course. Both started their freshmen year and both agree that their favorite part would be winning WYL their senior year. deAsis stated, “I continue to play golf because the competition rose every year and and I wanted to be one of the best, it was almost like an addiction wanting to get better every year.”

Boys Tennis has two 4 year players who share a passion for the sport. Colton Hansen and John Hguyen. Hansen stated that “my favorite part was my senior year because it came down to me and another really good player, and even though I lost by three points in a tiebreaker it was the closest match I ever had, another highlight for me would probably be going to Valley last year for doubles and Valley this year for singles.” The boys have played for a while and are excited for what’s next to come.

For Track, Breanna Woodrow, Colin Watamura, Alex Fontes, Bailey Darnell, Jackie Ledesma, Kylee Dismuke, Denae Jackson, Jason Hruby, Alyssa Nunez, Kat Harvell, Dyllan Rivera, and Halle Arellano have all participated in track all four years and the majority say they love the people the most. Woodrow says “I enjoy the spirit and all of the teammates coming together to support.” Arellano says “I really enjoyed it and I loved getting out there because it’s a really good atmosphere to be around.” Ledesma says “The thing I enjoyed most about track is the individual achievement.” And lastly, Darnell says “Definitley the trips we tale out of town with smaller groups would be the highlight all four years.”

Overall, all of the 4-year varsity spring sport athletes have loved their Redwood experience and grew even more passion towards their sport. They will miss playing for their high school, but are excited for what’s next to come for them.

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