By Yoselin Reynoso

Band’s first competition was on October 9th and their new uniforms didn’t arrive on time, meaning their first competition was in their old uniforms.

Evan Judson ’22 says that “The new band’s uniform should have arrived with more than enough time to be able to get comfortable with them and practice in them.”

Judson ’22 adds, “It sucks that they’ve been delayed because they were ordered almost two months ago and now the wait is being extended. I don’t think anyone was really anxious but kind of sad. The delay definitely sucks for everyone.”

Freshman’s first time marching in uniform for high school was on October 1st for the football game. Gavin Stoll ’25 says, “It feels cool wearing a uniform for the first time in high school. They are definitely better than the old uniforms we had to wear when I was in middle school.”

Photo courtesy of Leo Marquez ’23 striking a pose while showing off Band’s new uniforms.

America Vasquez-Lara ’23 says, “For the freshman, I think it takes a little time to get used to [wearing] it but I don’t think that it’s a step back.”

Practicing in the new uniforms is needed to help the students get comfortable when they wear them. Christine Lastimoza ’24 says, “Marching in uniform is definitely difficult because before we marched in jeans and super fan shirts; Now we wear these outfits that constrict our movements, so it’s definitely different.”

Vasquez-Lara ’23 adds, “I have marched in uniform but, our old uniforms are really thick and we march outside so it definitely gets hot to march in.”

Stoll ’25 adds, “It’s sad but it’s out of our control, I can wait an extra week for uniforms if it means we can perform at our future competitions regardless of uniforms.”

Stoll says, “I’m just excited that we can put on a show for students and compete against other schools!”

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Yoselin Reynoso
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Yoselin Reynoso '25 is currently in her third year of writing for the Redwood Gigantea. She enjoys reading and is excited about what Redwood Gigantea has in store for her.


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