By: Krissy Hetherington

On March 2nd, 2021, after almost a full year since school closures, Visalia Unified School District decided to cancel the water polo and football seasons for this year.

With cross country finishing up their season next week, golf and tennis getting matches and dual competitions started, and volleyball still waiting on the approval for indoor sports to start, water polo and football were the only sports left from the traditional fall season still waiting for the green flag to commence their seasons.

Both sports are also in the Orange- Moderate tier according to CIF guidelines and Tulare County is barely dipping into the Red- Substantial tier.

In the press release, VUSD Superintendent, Dr. Tamara Ravalin states, “The District is committed to ensuring that traditional spring sports, which were canceled last year due to school closures, are fully supported this year. After consultation with high school administrators and in the spirit of equity to all spring sports and a strong commitment to student safety, we have determined that football and water polo will not compete this spring.”

“I, along with everyone else was disappointed but I support our District and understand the reasoning,” says Redwood Athletic Director, Michael Wright.

He adds, “There is nothing I can say or do to ease the disappointment in our athletes and parents.  I sincerely wish there was something any of us could do to make things better but we must remember that we are Rangers and to conduct ourselves accordingly.  I would also like to suggest that everyone try to do a different sport if possible and to keep your grades up and continue to prepare for next year.”

“It is very unfortunate and we too are disappointed and sad for [the seniors] but this will serve as a reminder that nothing is a given.  We must be grateful for every day and everything we have.  We need to make the most out of every day and be our best in all things we do. 

Redwood Athletic Director, Michael Wright

Some factors that went into this decision include:

  • Safety concerns for football players: There have not been weight training programs for football players since last March, Indoor weight rooms remain closed, a higher chance of injuries
  • Facility issues: Overlapping use of fields being used by multiple sports (soccer, baseball, softball, track)

Redwood Athletic Trainer Becca Olson adds, “In a typical year, our athletes spend much of May, June and early August training and conditioning with their team for the upcoming season. This includes weightlifting, passing tournaments, and double practice weeks to name a few. None of those were allowed to happen this year, so our athletes, especially in the sport of football were at higher risk. Their bodies have not been properly prepared for the rigorous demands of football and the physical toll that it puts on the human body.”

Since there are still so many things up in the air with guidelines and restrictions that could change any day, Olson provides advice and encouragement for athletes to ensure they have a safe and healthy return.

Some teams, like Cross Country, Baseball, and Track, have been preparing or practicing since summer or late winter while others, like Soccer, barely got started and are expected to begin competition right away.

“One of the biggest things is how we take care of our bodies. Obviously, they are going to be getting exercise as they start their sport or have already begun. Hydration and diet is a huge factor. Making sure that they are drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and also eating regular meals. It’s a different vibe not being in school, so making sure that student-athletes do a good job hydrating and eating healthy, with a pre-practice or game snack is important to help overall health and performance,” says Olson.

She also adds, “The other huge factor is sleep! I know it’s a struggle, but the sooner we shut off or put down our phone or video games at the night, the better-quality sleep we can get. Sleep is the time where the body is completely at rest and can recover from injuries or just the stress the body is put through during a practice or game. The less sleep we get, the less the body has time to recover. Sleep is a huge factor and getting into a good routine can definitely help!”

Included in this press release is also the official go-ahead for spring sports to commence their seasons with the addition of soccer, softball and baseball.

Girls Soccer has officially begun practicing for their 2021 season

This means that now there are 16 Varsity teams to manage within the next few months including many Junior Varsity teams as well.

This school year has been nothing near normal and a new challenge for everyone to navigate including players, coaches, and athletic directors, and trainers. For Michael Wright, this is his first year as Redwood Athletic Director and now he is given the task to balance 3 traditional sports seasons in one while being in a completely new and foreign environment.

“It is very difficult.  There is a lot to it just facility wise with practice and games.  We are sharing practice fields with the Junior Highs, and 3 teams share the Bowl for practice and competition so we have to navigate many conflicts for just 1 sport as it affects other teams.  If we have a soccer game for example, track can only practice for a short time.  For us at Redwood facilities are the biggest challenge,” he says.

Wright adds, “One of the biggest concerns that we have right now is transportation with the guidelines that are in place.  I am confident that we will work through all the challenges that come our way.  Our coaches and staff are flexible and willing to do whatever it takes for our team to succeed.”

Becca Olson is Redwood’s one and only Athletic Trainer and while it was already hard for her to run around and be present for all of the teams during the regular school year, she now has to spread herself across 16 teams at once.

“It’s definitely a little daunting knowing that there is only me but it is something that we can all adapt to. It is a much busier schedule, but with organization and effective communication with Mr. Wright and all of our coaches, things should run smoothly. Being available and supporting all of our teams is always important for me, whether they are all in one season or not. For me, I always want to make sure I check in with coaches daily, check on our student-athletes and follow up with any injuries. Communication is key.”

Becca Olson, Redwood Athletic Trainer, tends to a football player last season

As far as scheduling goes, “We can travel to all bordering counties so every team will be allowed a full schedule.  There are a lot of scheduling conflicts so some teams may not have as many contacts as a normal year and especially with us not being allowed to participate in tradition tournaments.  But, we are working very hard to ensure we get as many contacts as we can once we are prepared physically to do so,” says Wright.

The press release states that football and water polo may begin practicing for next year at the conclusion of the spring sports seasons according to state guidelines.

Recently, surrounding school districts in Clovis, Fresno, and Tulare have allowed their football seasons to continue into the spring with short 5-10 game seasons.

In response to this, Wright says, “we need to focus on what we are doing and not concern ourselves with what others are or are not doing.  My focus is on our programs that are playing and helping our athletes and coaches to have a great experience and succeed.”

“It definitely is a bummer that our football and water polo seniors aren’t able to have a season this year. I know it was a tough decision to make and my heart hurts for them. But I know that whether they play another sport or move on to college in the fall, they are going to be successful in anything ahead for them. It will make seeing them on campus (whenever we return for in-person learning) even better, for sure! I just want them to always know that no matter what, they are always Redwood Rangers, and they will always be supported by their Redwood Family!”

Redwood Athletic Trainer, Becca Olson

Although the CIF has now allowed for athletes to play in multiple sports at once and mix cohort groups, the VUSD says “Coaches and athletes are only allowed to be on one team per season or time period as per the California Department of Public Health and the Tulare County Health Department.”

This has forced multi-sport athletes to pick and choose the sport with the better chance of having a full, normal season and sacrifice the other.

As far as indoor sports seasons go, “The guidelines have not changed for indoor sports.  We are going to be optimistic as we see things getting better every day and hope for the best.  In the end though, we will respect and follow county and district guidelines,” says Wright.

Without spectators allowed at any sporting events per health and safety guidelines, the athletics program has no way of bring in revenue from attendance sales and season pass tickets.

“There will for sure be some financial impact and we are working with the District to help us with that situation.  We have done a good job of managing the athletic budget and we think all teams have what they need to conduct their season as normal,” says Wright.

No spectators will also be an adjustment for teams who are used to thriving off a crowd’s energy and it’s also hard for parents to accept that they can’t watch their children play especially for parents of seniors. The best thing to think of is that at least the kids are able to play and the district is doing it’s best to ensure as many games as possible for teams at this time.

Wright says that although there has been some discussion of honoring the seniors to make up for the loss of a traditional season, there is little he can do at the moment based on the current guidelines. But they are remaining hopeful that things will begin to look better by the end of the year and they can celebrate senior athletes properly, one day.

Cross country was the first Redwood sport to begin their season and at the beginning of February. Both the Boys and Girls teams brought home the school’s first win in almost a year and gave Mr. Wright his first career win at Redwood at well. Read about it here.

“I actually felt like I was competing myself.  I had butterflies.  It was so awesome to see the athletes not just competing but supporting each other.  It was also especially gratifying watching both teams win their races.  There was a sense of relief to get the first athletic contest out of the way with no issues,” said Wright.

Becca Olson has also been able to attend all competitions hosted by Redwood such as Cross Country meets at Ridgeview and the Boys Soccer’s season opener against Roosevelt on Wednesday night.

“It is so exciting [to be back]! Our first cross country meet, I was so emotional on the way to work, just thinking about our kids getting to compete again! Watching more and more student-athletes come back to campus for their respective sports has been so heartwarming. One of the big reasons I got into athletic training was for the people you get to meet and the relationships that are built. It’s a very exciting time on campus. I got to watch our Boys Soccer team compete in their first game tonight (and win) and just seeing them support each other and get excited for their teammates makes the last year worth it,” she says.

Upcoming Competitions:

  • Both Cross Country teams will participate in the WYL Championship meet next Wednesday where the girls are looking to defend their 5-year winning streak and finish out the season undefeated. The Boys will face off against El Diamante and Mt. Whitney while the girls will race against Golden West and El Diamante. Both tri- meets will take place at Hidden Valley Park in Hanford.
  • Boys and Girls Tennis kick off their second week of official competition against Buchanan and Clovis North on Tuesday and Friday.
  • Girls Soccer commences their season with their opener versus Central Valley Christian on Tuesday. The Redwood Girls Soccer team, led by Head Coach, Jason Vieira is chasing their 10th consecutive WYL Championship.
  • Boys Soccer, led by first-year Head Coach, Joey Chica, will face off against Garces on Thursday.
  • Boys Golf will compete against Tulare Union on Wednesday and Girls Golf will face the Tribe on Tuesday

Now that most sports have returned officially and have begun kicking off their seasons, you can find their schedules here. And although you can’t physically attend Redwood sporting events, the Redwood Gigantea is committed to giving you weekly updates for each sport.

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Krissy Hetherington
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Krissy ('21) is a senior and this is her third year as Editor in Chief. She has been in Journalism since beginning of freshman year and has a strong passion for sports journalism. Outside of the Gigantea, Krissy is a part of the Cross Country, Basketball and Track teams. She is also in her third year as an intern writer for the Sun-Gazette. You can reach her by email at