Moana 2 is an animated children’s movie that recently came out on November 27, 2024. Here is what some Rangers think.
By: Anex Estrada
Although Moana 2 is still fresh, its Rotten Tomato score is 67%, a 28% drop from the first movie, which was a major hit with a score of 95%.
The first Moana movie was liked by many for its unique characteristics and the amount of entertainment throughout the film.
Mr. Jackson, a former teacher of RHS, who taught Biology and Physics/Earth Science says, “I loved the first movie I thought it was just a unique story. And I thought the second one was a little weird.”
In the first film, there were a ton of hit songs, that were quite catchy, but not as many in the second film.
“I liked it, but I think it could have been better, especially some of the songs,” said Dessarei Olguin, ’28.

Photo Disney
Moana 2 was a very interesting movie because you just didn’t know what was happening next, the movie is full of adventures and entertainment throughout the film.
Emma Hernandez, ’28, says, “The end was was fun, it was interesting. People cried. I did not cry.”
The film could be emotional to some, especially to those with an older or younger sister because in the movie, Moana’s younger sister is introduced, Simea.
The movie has a few plot twists where you don’t know what to expect or what’s going to happen next.
To those who are older, the movie may have seemed a bit cringe or caused them to have secondhand embarrassment, but part of the reason would be because most of the people who watched Moana as kids are now older.
“I did not like it. It’s really cringy. Her little sister is weird,” says, Faith Johnson, ’27.
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