By: Sydney Brammer

Have you noticed the new trend around school? Almost everyone is now wearing scrunchies! There are a whole bunch of varieties and cute designs to go with every outfit! If you haven’t tried one out, these people have a message for you!

Ella Carney ’22 is one of many scrunchie lovers. She says, “Scrunchies are so helpful! They don’t leave a crease in your hair, and when you leave them on your wrists they don’t cut your circulation like regular rubber bands do.” I, myself, experience this kind of struggle everyday, and I tried a scrunchie for the first time and it’s so much easier. In addition, cute and trendy!

If you are interested in trying a scrunchie of your own, Ella says, “You can find them almost anywhere. You can for sure get them at Francesca’s, American Eagle, and Urban Outfitters.” In conclusion she says, “Scrunchies are a life saver! They deserve to be recognized more, and yes they were an 80s trend, but they’re coming back to be a current trend!”

Scrunchies are definitely underrated. I didn’t find anything special about them until I actually tried one! For us girls, they make our lives easier everyday and prevent us from having to worry about our hair constantly. We can depend on scrunchies to save the day!

Hailey Irvin ’21 is one of many to have a business making and selling scrunchies.

Q. What inspired you to start making scrunchies?

A. “I started making them because I’m obsessed with them, and I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on them so I decided to make them for people.”

Q. How much time/effort does it take to make a scrunchie?

A. “It normally takes me about 5 minutes since I use a sewing machine.”

Q. What is your process for making one?

A. “I take what material I want, then cut it into the shape I want, then I sew it within a hair tie.”

Q. Do you make good profit?

A. Yes, I make around 2 dollars per scrunchie.

Q. How do people contact you to purchase one?

A. “My Instagram for selling scrunchies is”

If you are interested in making and selling scrunchies, take what Hailey does into consideration. If you want to purchase one, find her Instagram and support her. Scrunchies may be small, but they make a big difference.

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