By: Brooke Logan

Recycling can be explained in three simple words: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Recycling allows trash to be re purposed and turned into new products either for the same purpose or for something new.  

Recycling has different benefits, such as conserving natural resources (wood, water and minerals), protecting wildlife, reducing the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, creating new jobs. It also can put a little cash in your pocket when turning it into your local recycling center. If you don’t already, keep a trash can to separate your plastic and cans so you can turn them into the recycling center.

Sierra Nelson, ‘23, says that they “recycle cans, bottles, and glass” in their home. Nelson, ‘23, also believes that “everyone should recycle because we only have one earth” and everyone needs to do their part to take care of it. 

Nelson also talks about how landfills will continue to fill up with trash and more of our earth will eventually be filled with trash, “unless people take action and do their part for the environment.”

While recycling plays a big role in our environment not everyone does it. Only about 35% of Americans recycle in their household which leads to about 35 billion plastic bottles to be thrown in the trash can or to be thrown in landfills. Recycling can affect more than our environment, it affects us humans, our animals, and plants by causing toxins to be released into the air, the air that we are breathing.

Before throwing something away, think about this: Have I used this item to the fullest extent? Could I use this again? Could this be repurposed and made into something new? 

Some simple things you should stay away from when you are trying to recycle and do better for the environment are plastic straws. Instead try to use a metal straw.  When you are going to the store bring your own reusable bags for produce and groceries, instead of buying more plastic bags. When storing leftover food use reusable containers instead of Ziploc bags. Also, use a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic one.

Anisa Soto, ‘23, says that she’s recycled her whole life. Soto also says she “recycles so the bottles we drink don’t end up in places like the ocean, forests, and rivers.”  With recycling being very important to Soto, she feels as though it is her “responsibility to make sure [she is not] making a negative impact on the earth” but that she is making the earth bette. She is encouraging others to recycle.  

With the fear of being “doomed”, Soto says that “the earth is slowly being filled by harmful trash every day and it’s up to us to make a change.”  Soto also believes that the earth is our “home” and “why would we rather hurt our home rather than just throwing recycling away when we can benefit from recycling.”

Please visit Recycling Basics | Reduce, Reuse, Recycle | US EPA and Fun Facts for kids for more information about recycling !!

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