Post Tagged with: "visalia ca"
Redwood ASB Opens Applications for the 2023-2024 Freshman Class Elections
Redwood High School’s Associated Student Body [ASB] recently started the process for the upcoming Freshman class elections.
Guidance from the Heights: Wisdom and Words from Upperclassmen Following Round-Up
By: Donya Hassanshahi On Thursday, August 3rd, sophomores, juniors, and seniors met in the Redwood Gym from 8AM-2PM in attendance of the annual Round-Up. As Rangers enter the 2023-2024 school […]
Aletha Braun, New Link Crew Advisor, Becomes A Redwood Ranger
Aletha Braun will serve as Redwood Link Crew’s new advisor. Braun ran the ASB program at Ridgeview Middle School and continues to advise student leadership programs.