Post Tagged with: "rhs"
Girls Basketball: What You’ve Missed
By: Vincent Aldridge One of the reasons that Winter Sports doesn’t get much attendance throughout the season, is because a large amount of the games are played during that three […]
Grade Bump Policy Endures Revisions
By Colin Watamura Over the summer of 2018, Visalia Unified School District rolled out a policy that allowed students concurrently enrolled in classes at College of the Sequoias to have […]
Spirit Lane: Remembering a Legend
Underneath roughly sixty four layers of paint on a checker-patterned walkway in the middle of Redwood’s main campus lies the original campus colors that decorated Visalia Union High School almost […]
Monthly Column: Technology in the 21st Century in Schools
Technology helps in many ways but also can hurt us. Technology has helped many schools and teachers as well as students. It makes it easier for students to get assignments […]