Post Tagged with: "Redwood"
From the Principal’s Desk: New teachers, the return of tradition, and student behavior
This is the September edition of a series that connects with Mr. Matt Shin, Principal of Redwood High School.
Football Game Fashion: What does it look like?
Redwood students are back in the student section at the Mineral King Bowl, but what are they wearing? Friday, September 10, 2021 was Redwood’s Homecoming and first home varsity game. […]
FFA profits from the Tulare County Fair dramatically increase
This year, Redwood’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) club reached an all-time high in profits when selling their student-raised livestock at the annual Tulare County Fair. Despite the smaller numbers […]
Neon crowd cheers on first varsity football win
By Seth Lopez. Photography by Abby Miller Last Friday night, the mighty Rangers played Kingsburg High at home at the Mineral King Bowl, where they picked up their first win […]