Post Tagged with: "Redwood"
Rangers Say: Mask mandate is lifted for VUSD schools
By Tara Khazaeizadeh As of two weeks ago, the mask mandate is being lifted for the local VUSD schools on March 11 at midnight, however, it all comes down to […]
‘The Batman’ leaves Rangers with high expectations
By Kylen Gray-Jacobson The new reboot “Batman” movie, came out on March 4, starring Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz, and it received a lot of attention. Here is what some […]
Kirk Shrum Appointed To Position Of VUSD Superintendent
By Abigail Miller During the VUSD Board meeting on March 8th, 2022, members unanimously agreed to appoint Kirk Shrum to the position of superintendent. Shrum has been in the education […]
Students return to City Hall to continue the fight against smoke shops
Student advocates from the H.E.A.L Project (Healing, Equity, Advocacy, Leadership Project)and API PAC (Asian Pacific Islander Partners and Advocates Countering Tobacco) returned to City Council on February 28th, 2022.