Post Tagged with: "Redwood"
Student Voices: To mask or not to mask
Since school began on August 12, students have been required to wear masks indoors, and have been given the choice to wear them outdoors. Here are what some Redwood Rangers […]
FFA Sentinel, Madison Andrade brings “The Dairy Project” to Redwood High School
With every fleeting moment, time flies by unmeasurably. Accommodating for the Coronavirus pandemic was not on anyone’s to-do list this previous year. For Madison Andrade, ’23 this year’s September Tulare […]
Redwood Cheerleaders make USA All-American Cheer Squad
Five Redwood Cheerleaders were recently selected locally in Visalia in the midst of cheer camp during mid August 2021 to compete internationally representing team USA in the All-American Cheer competition. […]
Tulare County Fair: Redwood FFA members show their lambs
Although the Tulare County Fair may just be another fun event to go to for most Redwood students, to the Future Farmers of America (FFA) members participating, it’s a momentous […]