Post Tagged with: "redwood rangers"
Redwood High School Administers the CAST Exam to Junior and Senior Students
The week of Monday, March 13, 2023, Redwood High School’s [RHS] junior (the class of 2024) and senior (the class of 2023) students were required to take the California Science Test [CAST].
More Than Just a Pretty Face: The Impact and Significance of Pageant and Festival Queens
Do me a favor: Set reality aside for a second and see the world through the eyes of a seven year old girl.
Photogallery: Behind the Lens of the Mr. & Mrs. Ranger Rally 2023
By Ayla Ozturk Not pictured in individual shots: Calvin Feehan- Yearbook Advisor, Nick Miller- Journalism Advisor, Keira Zachary- Yearbook