Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
Water Polo Break
As some of you might know, women’s water polo is having an extra long break before their next game, three weeks to be exact.
Paper Versus Pixels; a Comparison
In most cases the show is slightly different from the book it’s based on.
Rangers hope to secure first win of the season
Well, Ranger fans we are only 3 games into the 2021 football season and are Ranger’s find themselves in what appears to be a massive game. The Rangers have started 0-3 with losses to Cenntenial, Clovis North, and Tulare Western. In those games the biggest thing that has derailed this Ranger team thus far quite honestly has been themselves.
Can Shang-Chi Help Bring Light to the Asian Community?
“Shang-chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” hit movie theaters on September 3rd and it can do more than just sell tickets.