Post Tagged with: "rangers"
Students’ Thoughts on VUSD Data Breaches
From reading the Gigantea to applying for college, the internet has become a vital part of daily life. You use it at school, to order online but what happens when things go wrong? Read more here.
Rangers’ feelings towards picking out classes for the next school year
By Sabrina Hirani During the second week of February, all freshmen, sophomore, and junior students are meeting with their counselors to pick out classes for next year. Students are going […]
Everything Entertainment Podcast Episode 3: Students From E-Sports Discuss the Games They Play
Podcast hosted by Jalen Bullock ’23, co-hosted by Isaac Reynoso ’23, and edited by Aidan Hatch ’22. In the third episode of the Everything Entertainment Podcast, Bullock and Reynoso talk […]
Student opinion on equitable change of tradition creating Mrs. Ranger
Feature image courtesy of Ciera Alvarez By Micah Stipech “It’s giving other students a chance to still be up there, representing Redwood; compared to just having Homecoming… it’s giving students […]