Post Tagged with: "rangers"
Measure C Passes; COS Starts University Center Design Process
Measure C was a bond measure put forth by the College of the Sequoias [COS] to request funding to expand its existing partnership with California State University [CSU], Fresno.
Redwood Rangers Recognized at VUSD Board Meeting
On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, seven Redwood High School students were acknowledged at a special board meeting and awarded for their excellence.
VUSD Schools Supplied with Narcan to Reverse Potential Overdoses
Narcan is being placed in VUSD schools as a response to a nationwide epidemic of fentanyl overdoses. Narcan reverses the side effects of an opioid overdose.
Freshman Cassidy Ashford Shoots her Shot during Varsity Girls’ Basketball Winter Season
Freshman Cassidy Ashford discusses her first year on Redwood Varsity Basketball and her basketball career.