Post Tagged with: "arts"
Artist Spotlight: Brooklyn Jackson a Colorful Creator
There are hundreds of students at Redwood, many of them have amazing talents; Some show it off and others tend to keep it to themselve
Jolene Ringhofer and Jill Hackbarth: Face behind costume and makeup in Redwood’s musical
By Micah Stipech Jill Hackbarth, in charge of makeup; and Jolene Ringhofer, in charge of costuming, hold other duties (as is natural in a lower-budget theatre production,) these two work […]
Redwood’s Chamber Orchestra performs annual holiday concert
By Micah Stipech I think we can all appreciate a good payoff moment. December 14, 2021, 7:00pm; that was the payoff moment for Redwood’s own Chamber Orchestra. They had been […]
Beginning Women’s Choir Opinions on the Concert
Women’s concert had its first concert on October 12th at 7 P.M. The fall concert included Men’s choir, Beginning women’s, Intermediate women’s, Advanced women’s, Chamber choir, and Ranger choir.