Gabe Ward, ’25, Ricardo Razo, ’25, and Dre Bowers ’25, are all co-founders of Peak Heath & Fitness. This program provides workout plans, bodybuilding, athletic training, endurance training, nutrition, and more.
By: Cody Abney
Fitness Programs are pretty much everywhere under the sun nowadays. However, it’s always the same old workout plan for a monthly annual payment. However, Peak Health & Fitness provides everything that one can imagine, this training serves well for athletes and bodybuilders willing to reach their full potential.
Gabe Ward, ’25, says, “We are going to help people perform to the best of their ability and help them reach their full potential”. Ward also says that an upside to their program is that they help train in every aspect other than just the average workout plan.
Peak Health & Fitness has already launched accounts across social media and has already been in the works with clients. They have been giving workout tips to specific athletes like football players to help them block to the best of their ability. The Instagram is @peakhf_official, and the TikTok is @peakhandf

Ricardo Razo, ’25, says, “I feel confident that we’ll make progress fast”. Razo goes on to say that the reason for starting this program was “We all want to make our own income and start work for ourselves so we started a fitness program together since we had the same ideas.”
Razo goes on to say that Peak H & F helps all types of athletes and targets every sport and exercise there is.”
Dre Bowers, ’25, is another founder of this program. He believes that the goal for him is to “change my life and others at the same time, physically for others and myself and financially for myself as well.” Bowers believes that people should choose Peak H & F since their programs “will have more for less as we provide nutrition, splits, and athletic training for consumers.”
Bowers also feels secure with opening an online program with what they are familiar with.
The motivation is clear for this program, it is to help others succeed in life with their health and fitness. Ward says, “My motivation is to help people reach their full potential and to go in-depth with training, health, and fitness.”
Tags: Cody Abney, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, sports