By: Jimena Robles

On the evening of August 23rd, Redwood football kicks off the first game of the season. With the loss of the ’24 players, the team brings in a young roster with high hopes and expectations for the season.

Playing a tough opponent, the Centennial Golden Hawks, Adam Judson, ’25, says, “I’m excited, there’s a rich history. We’ve only beaten them like 3 times and I’m excited for our 4th win.”

Commenting on the youth of the team, Judson says, ” We’re looking really good. We were young at the beginning of the summer but now we’re all veterans. We’ve been playing all summer long getting to know each other, getting to know the game.”

With room for improvement from previous years, Cristian Carlos, ’25, says, “It’s just first-game jitters. You know people aren’t ready which leads to people not doing their plays right how they’re supposed to. I feel like this year we’ll have more execution in being ready for what we have to do and we’ll come out ready.”

Michael White, ’24, says, “I feel very confident. I think we have a high chance of beating them this year. We just need to be mentally ready to beat them.”

Starting the season off against an experienced team who caries only seniors and juniors, this young team faces challenges that they seem to be confident in.

White says, “We’re very young but I think we have a chance.”

Jimena Robles
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Jimena Robles is a ´25 sports journalist for the Redwood Gigantea. Jimena is a softball player who is a part of the varsity team at Redwood High School and Clovis Rockets 18u Gold travel team. Jimena would like to major in Sports Broadcasting later on in college.


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