How fast this school year has come to an end; time has passed in just a blink of an eye. Just a few days before senior graduation, there is this bitter sweet taste in the air. Some students are excited that it’s over, and some are ready to move on to bigger and better things with all their hard work and learning. 

By Andy See

Just a few more days left until everything changes for the seniors. The mere thought and feeling of turning a new leaf and navigating the world blindly is terrifying because one’s fate is not set in stone. 

Everything the students are preparing for in the future is strongly influenced by what they did during high school. High school is a time when students start to develop a plan on what they want to do in the future. Students take classes that interest them and prepare them for their future job. 

Sebastian Martinez ‘24 is a dedicated studio art student of Mr. Harris, and he plans to major in art in college, hoping to find a career in the fields of art. His world has revolved around the arts, art is not something that is required or demanding to him. Therefore, creating a stronger love and passion. 

“If I recall, I’ve been doing art since elementary school in second grade.”

Art by Sebastian Martinez

Martinez has been interested and actively engaged in art for almost his entire life. It is something that enlightens and encourages growth in his creativity and confidence in anything art related. This is not just a hobby to him, without it, he would not be the person he is today.  

Specifically during high school is when he first saw how he could use his passion and love for art to do something as a future career.

 “I would say during my senior year, when it was time to pick out or choose which college you were going to, I decided I wanted to do art at COS.”

That’s not all for Martinez’s college plans to major in art. He is also planning on going to a four year college after to further enhance his abilities in art to create a stronger foundation.

“I plan to go to COS, like I said before, to major in art and then transfer to Fresno State to continue my major in art.” 

There are a lot of amazing art pieces made by Martinez. He makes art mostly in his free time because that is when he is completely free to draw whatever he wants. Most of the art he makes is something that interests him. The art he makes reflects who he is and his interests. 

Art by Sebastian Martinez

He says “My favorite personal art piece has got to be my kratos art piece because I would say that it is the most detailed I put into.” 

Martinez loves his personal art pieces a lot because the ideas are his; he is not influenced by the outside view. He has a lot of other art pieces he has made that he loves equally and put as much effort into them. 

He has a sketchbook devoted to his sketches and practice draws. His art mostly consists of fictional characters. When he makes art, he tends to draw things that are not very emotional, rather he draws things that he likes which adds fun. 

Not only is art fun to him, but art is a coping mechanism or a stress reliever whenever he needs time to cool down or relax. Art is not an assignment that has a deadline, art is something that should be soothing and creative. This is an important factor for his love for art. 

He had no actual inspirational drive for art from someone else; rather he sought his love for art within himself. This further shows a deep connection between him and his art. He says “I would say myself; I just love drawing in my spare time and it’s just something I love to do– I do watch other people draw, but mostly my inspiration came from myself.” 

Thinking about the future, he plans to use the art he learns in highschool and college to use in the work he does. His dream job is to be an architect but he believes it is most unrealistic. Martinez says “My [most realistic dream] job now is either do my own art, sell my own art, or be a tattoo artist.” 

Art by Sebastian Martinez

There’s always something new happening in the art world. There are a lot of things that go into creating and expressing. There’s a lot of thought that goes into thinking out what you should make. Although he prefers to draw what he wants, he is also always up to bring his creative ideas in required projects and assignments. 

“I feel like when I know I achieve something in art is when I’m always willing to be open for new lessons because there is always something new happening.”

Martinez’s love and passion for art shows in his dedication and his use for art as an entertainment rather than a required project. His love for art is forever lasting, and it will continue to grow in the upcoming years. In the future, he hopes to be an arts major in college.

Art is his best friend, art is in his blood. Without art he would not be complete. Art is influential in his ideas for potential art careers. He chooses to major in art because it is something he would enjoy for the rest of his life. 

Lastly, he adds, “Art is important to me because it makes me feel calm; it’s like a stress reliever… it’s like something I can do without someone telling me to.” 

We hope for the best for Martinez’s future endeavors in art. 


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