By: Aiden Lupian
With a new marching season on the rise, there is also a new marching show to accompany it. This year’s program, “Aquarium”, is about a child’s first experience at an aquarium and seeing things like the coral reef, jellyfish, octopus, and sharks.
The show may be a hit with the student section at football games, but how do the performers themselves feel about their show?

Tenor drum player, Danica Palardy ´23, says she likes band and has “been working really hard to make the show as good as possible.” Palardy is “excited to see how far [Band] with it.”
Matthias Cecena-Caballero ´25, Vibraphone player says that he thinks “the show is a pretty broad idea so it leaves the audience to expect a lot from such a grandiose show,” Caballero says he finds it “exciting.”

Trumpet player Hunter Wallace ´25 says, they have “been really working hard on it and [Wallace] can’t wait till it’s done so [they] can show off all of [their] hard work.”
Caballero ´25 says, “Students should expect to see an exciting show on the exhilaration of first seeing a live aquarium cultivated through great sound, music, and unique visuals.”
Marching shows take a lot of time, effort, and practice to really get it as perfect as it can be. There have been many challenging feats that the band has overcome despite it being very early in the season.
Wallace ´25 says he thinks “the most difficult part of this season so far was band camp.” While practicing, the band “had a terrible field because [they] were forced to practice at Ridgeview because of the ongoing construction at Redwood.”
This show is definitely a change of pace for Redwood’s band, now that band is able to reach their full potential without having to worry about covid.
Caballero ´25 says, “As a sophomore, it is a much grander show than last year, along with being more ambitious. It’s definitely leaving more room for [Band] to build and work in [their] benefit.”
With the next month filled with competitions and showcases, the Redwood band will be especially busy, but the band hopes to come out on top by the end of the season.
“It’s hard to give it your all, [but] it’s worth all the hard work you put in.” says Caballero.
Tags: arts, arts & entertainment, arts and entertainment, band, band major, Redwood, redwood band