Redwood High School is now properly back in action; students are getting accustomed to their routines, classes, and lives here. The major groups participating in Redwood are now in full-swing, including that of the Intermediate Orchestra, despite their larger size this year.

Gathering together during fifth period, this class seems much larger this year to the students in it.

Andrew Estrada-Gonzales, a senior learning viola in the class, says, “It’s pretty big actually, from like my past years at Redwood… it’s the biggest one.”

Gonzales adds, “I still think the class is fun and entertaining.”

Learning in the class has been an interesting experience for students. Freshman, Layla Anderson says that, “you’ve got to stand out.”

Violin player, Angelina Jimenez, ’25 speaks of Mr. Rodney Yokota, the orchestra conductor, saying, “I think he’s a very good teacher, he knows how to listen to each one of us.”

Yokota is only on campus from fourth to sixth period, and even in that small time he has to teach many students. Commenting on the size of the intermediate class, he says, “We’ve got a lot of new students joining, and some students joining back from previous years that didn’t take orchestra during our pandemic year; it’s good to be back up to a large class size.”

“It’s nice in terms of there’s a lot of sound being produced in the class, and the kids feel a freedom to play out. It’s not like there’s only five kids there and they’re worried about being heard.”

Redwood High Orchestra Conductor, Mr. Rodney Yokota

Although there are these benefits, there’s also some drawbacks to the size of the class.

Yokota goes on to say, “It’s nice to have the numbers, but then again it is, with the more students, harder to get everyone on the right page… there’s blessings and challenges.”

Regardless of the increased size to the students this year, Yokota states that it’s actually, “not the largest class [he’s] ever had.”

He goes on to say he’s had over a 100 students in a middle school class before, and even at Redwood, he’s seen over 70 students in the course.

“I think they’re making some good strides, and it’s good for these students to continue building on their skills,” Yokota states about the Intermediate Orchestra class this year.

He talks about the group saying, “I’m excited for them, and excited for doing concerts in-person this year.”

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