By: Emma Jenan

The Redwood swim team took the WYL title this season, and they are ecstatic. This is the result of a lot of hard work, long practices, and amazing dedication.

Nate Bettencourt, ’22, starts off by saying, “It feels great to be a part of the swim team. We have amazing teamates and a winning record.” He continues by saying, “WYL is the meet of the year… you’re guaranteed to lose your voice, or you’re doing it wrong.” Bettencourt feels that while WYL isn’t necessarily a challenge, it takes an enormous amount of commitment to get to where they are today.

Jayce Ford, ’22, agrees with Bettencourt by saying, “…The team is like a family. We all look out for each other and we’re able to have a good time.” Ford feels like WYL was a definitely more challenging than other meets, and, “It takes a lot of hard work, so I’m glad we were able to be champs.” When asked about the most influential person in his life, Ford responds, “Probably Caleb Dressel; he’s just a beast.”

Emelia Rasner, ’25, is a freshmen on the varsity team. She begins by saying, “Being a part of the swim team is really cool: the best part being WYL.” She continues by saying, “I don’t think anyone did bad in WYL; we all did a pretty great job as a team.” When asked about the teams bond, and she replied, “We’re very close, considering most of us played water polo together.”

Overall, the Redwood Swim team did an excellent job securing their place as the WYL champions for this season, and far more seasons to come!

Emma Jenan
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Emma Jenan is a '25 second year journalism member of the Redwood Gigantea. She is interested in writing any article, but sports stories are her favorite. Emma is a part of the redwood tennis team, and is a varsity member. You can reach her by email:


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