By Michaela Brown
Redwood High School had an interim Athletic Trainer in the first month of the 2021-2022 school year. Once Alex Ramos was cleared to start his job he quickly jumped right into the remainder of the football season. This year in the 2022-2023 season Ramos is starting his first full year here at Redwood!
This year our gym is being redone, Ramos used to be located behind the dance room and girls locker room. Unfortunately he was moved to the back of the cafeteria, Ramos says ¨Due to certain circumstances here at Redwood, I am just fortunate enough to have a room to treat my athletes¨
Ramos was asked what some pros and cons were about the room. Ramos says ¨Pros, I like the size and I have quick access to the bathroom. Cons, Having to share the room with other staff members and not having water or ice.¨ With the situation Ramos is in, he still manages to find positives like when his room is going to be done, ¨hopefully next semester, realistically next year¨ Ramos states.
Some things about Ramos that the students at Redwood should know is how long he has been an Athletic Trainer, Ramos says ¨A year and a half.¨ One of Ramos´s favorite memories here at Redwood, ¨Winning Valley alongside my good friend Joey Chica, and Chica senior¨ Ramos states.

Tags: rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, rhs, visalia ca