Redwood High School has an anonymous reporting system for students to report substance use, threats of violence, fighting, and bullying. They can access the form by going to PowerSchool or scanning one of the QR codes posted around campus.

By Ayla Ozturk

On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, Redwood High School staff passed out posters with information about the anonymous reporting system.

Issac Mendoza is one of Redwood’s campus supervisors. Campus supervisors are responsible for supervising students outside of class, remaining alert to problems likely to disrupt the educational process, and assisting in stopping fights and other potentially dangerous situations.

The reporting system communicates issues to administrators and campus supervisors such as Mendoza.

“I just think as a campus supervisor, the more information the better. There’s limited staff to be able to be in a bunch of different locations at once,” Mendoza says. “Part of our job is prevention. So the more information we have, the more events we could possibly prevent happening.”

There is the possibility that students abuse the system and make false claims as a joke. Mendoza hopes that students use the system for good.

He says, “[Fake reports] take away from the kids and the incidences that may be really serious. We definitely don’t want to flood the lines with jokes and things of that nature, but rather for the lines with useful information so that we can help people in need.”

Student holding up a poster with information about the system
Student holding up a poster with the QR code
(Blurred for privacy)
Photo by Ayla Ozturk

Students can find the form on PowerSchool or by scanning the QR code on the poster pictured above. The posters can be found around campus.

Ayla Ozturk
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Ayla Ozturk, class of 2024, is a fourth-year journalism student passionate about leading the News section. She is dedicated to informing students and amplifying their voices through Government and Politics writing.

You can reach her at


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