By: Audrey Longan

This year, Redwood’s choir department is planning for events including “Real Men Sing” at the end of November for the boys, and “Nothing but Treble” for the girls towards the beginning of October.  

There are two types of Choir: Ranger Choir and Chamber Choir.  Chamber Choir is more close with each other on account of there being a small amount of people.  Ranger Choir has a lot more people so when a person is missing the sound doesn’t really change unlike Chamber.  Hannah Suggs, Vice President of Choir, ‘19, said, “There are 5 officers and part of my job is to keep everything structured….I organize events and I want to help both Ranger and Chamber Choir to be the best they can be.”

Because it is still the beginning of the new school year, they are all getting to know each other.  In Chamber Choir they are going on a retreat to Hartland Camp for team building.  Elizabeth Lopez, ‘19, says, “We are expected to be really, emotional one night and I am preparing for a little ritual by the bonfire.”

While Chamber Choir is going on their retreat, Ranger Choir is also getting to know each other and practicing the vocals.  Annamarie Rangel, Ranger Choir, ‘20, is learning how to better her tone and support her singing. “We warm up our vocals and we test with scales to see how high and low our voice can go.”  There are many other ways to test your vocals. Matthew Byerlee, ‘20, said he is “practicing his vocal technique at home” by using “a piano to see what high and low notes” he can sing.

Both the Teacher, Mr.Carrillo, and the students love Choir.  Mr. Carrillo said he loves “the students and…. making high quality music with the students.”  His job is to make sure the students work as hard as I do, “kind of a cohesive, cooperative thing”, he says.  Lopez said, “the director is the best, he teaches us life lessons and makes Choir bring out the best in us.” Byerlee even feels like Choir is “so close with each other that it’s like a family at school.”  Like Suggs says, “the connections we make….the music we make bonds us.”

Audrey Longan
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