By: Seth Lopez
Tyler Stark ‘24 is a 16-year-old Redwood Ranger with a boxing record of 3-0. He has a rematch fight against Jerret Crass at Soroptimist park opening round starting at 3 pm and going a total of 6 rounds or knockout.
The last fight Tyler fought was in March earlier this year against Jerret that ended in a win expanding his undefeated record.
While getting prepared for his boxing match against Crass once again Stark says that he looks back on it but tries not to focus on it so much because there were a lot of mistakes during that last match.
Stark had started implementing more cardio in his workouts and he says, “Every athlete hates cardio but it’s what you have to do to be a champion it’s the championship mindset”.
Stark is a very dedicated individual and believes that he is a talented individual and he says, “Dedication is the name of the game.”
“Around two years ago I told myself at some point in my life I am going to be a champion whatever that looks like.”
Tyler Stark
With any downtime that he is given, Stark makes sure to get some practice in. He is always looking for any opportunity to improve his skills and his combos and for Stark his day is very oriented around boxing.
He wakes up, goes to school, and when he comes home his training begins. Stark starts off his training by hitting the heavy pad for an hour and afterward he goes on runs around his neighborhood twice as well as working in a few sprints. He trains all day every day to better his skills.
Stark’s biggest inspiration is Conner McGregor, former ultimate fighting champion and MMA Fighter, who is one of the reasons Stark had gotten into boxing. Stark’s mindset is that he’s going to continue to work hard and do big things.
Stark says, “Around two years ago I told myself at some point in my life I am going to be a champion whatever that looks like.”
Tags: boxing, redwood boxing, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, redwood sports, Seth Lopez, student athlete, tyler stark