“Gilmore Girls” is an American comedy-drama set in a fictional small town in Connecticut called “Stars Hollow.” The story explores the lives of the main characters, Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. 

By: Anex Estrada

With summer over and the fall season upon us, Gilmore Girls is the perfect show to begin binge-watching throughout the fall.

The show was a hit with a Rotten Tomato score of 88%.

“People should watch it because it’s a good show, and since it’s fall it gives very good fall vibes and it’s very funny and it does a lot of plot twists,” says Emma Hernandez, ’28.

The Gilmore Girls Cast
Photo Warner Bros./Courtesy Everett Collection

Most people like Gilmore Girls because of the comedy shown in it. The show also has tons of drama and has you wanting to know what happens next, especially when an episode ends in a cliffhanger. 

In the show, Lorelai (One of the main characters) mentions that fall is her favorite time of the year, as it feels to her that the whole world changes color. 

“I like the vibes. I like how it’s structured. It’s really a good show,” says Isabella Gonzalez, ’28.

The choice of clothing for the characters in the show can also be very inspiring. The characters in the show, Rory Gilmore, Lorelai Gilmore, and Emily Gilmore all have impeccable taste in style.

Their fashion choice gives the perfect fall vibes to try a new style during the fall season. 

“I like Gilmore Girls because Lorelai is a very relatable character to me,” said, Faith Avila ’27.

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Anexahi Estrada
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