By Sabrina Hirani
On November 30, 2021, Oxford High School in Michigan had a shooting that left the world shocked. There were mass casualties in this shooting, and what really stood out was that it was a 15 year-old boy who attended the school. Many students at Redwood were talking about this event, and it also left the question to be, “What happens if this ever happened at our school?”
A week later on December 7, 2021, Redwood High School also received a threat on social media. Many people on social media were posting how students shouldn’t go to school and many parents were also telling their children to not go to school.
On December 8, 2021, the attendance dropped significantly. Almost no one came to school, because of students being scared of the threat which leaves the question now to be, “Do students believe that school is safe?”
Kyla Seitz, ’22 talks about how she feels safe coming to school, but to an extent, “I think the threats themselves are more to play on the fear of people.”
Seitz also brings up how there is a chance for anything to happen which does make her feel unsafe, “I don’t feel one hundred percent safe on campus ever because of the fact the school shootings happen relatively often in America.”

Photo courtesy of Seitz
Seitz also brings up the threat that happened on December 8 at Redwood High School. Seitz talks about how she did come to school that day, “I think anyone who does make a threat is doing so just to see what happens rather than to actually alert people they are coming.”
She also talks about how she trusted the police officers who said that the threat was not credible, “They have much more expertise than I do or anyone on social media does to identify whether or not a threat is credible.”
Joel Morones, ’22 talks about how he feels safe coming to school, “I feel Redwood always keeps me updated if there is anything happening that I should know about.”

Photo courtesy of Morones
Morones also brings up the school threat that happened in December. Morones talks about how he came to school that day, “I heard that Redwood would continue to have school with police presence.” Morones believes that if there was a real threat, then the admin would decide on closing the school.
Most of our students at Redwood do believe school is safe, and no matter what happens, the school will ensure all students are safe and are at no harm.
When the threat happened, most students didn’t come to school because they did not feel comfortable with the idea of coming to school.
After December 8, it was reported that the social media threat was fake and wasn’t designed to attack Redwood. After the school threat, Redwood High School is doing a great job keeping students safe with always having one police officer on the campus.
Sabrina Hirani
Sabrina Hirani '22 is a senior and currently a 3rd year member of the Redwood Gigantea. She is currently an opinion editor for the Redwood Gigantea. Outside of the Gigantea, Sabrina is on the Redwood Swim team. During her free time, Sabrina loves to binge-watch shows and loves to spend time with her friends and family.
Tags: opinion, redwood gigantea, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, Sabrina Hirani, safety, student opinions