By Mia Trevino and Press release from RHS FFA

Wednesday September 15, 2021, and Thursday, September 16, 2021, FFA students showed off their lambs, sheep, and dairy heifers at the Tulare County Fair. 

Elise Bradshaw ’22 shows lamb at Tulare County Fair. Photo by Abby Miller

Weigh-in went extremely well for the Redwood FFA lamb students on Wednesday. Every lamb made weight in their respective classes. Additionally, the Redwood Ranger Lamb crew was asked to help run the weigh-in process.

According to their advisor, Mr. Coon, “They worked late into the evening making sure all fellow competitors were taken care of.” 

Thursday morning they hit the ground running in preparation for the show. That afternoon the Lamb Crew was in showmanship. Madison Andrade ’23 had her dairy heifer in the show ring as well on Thursday. 

Mr Coon and Marileigh Coon with ribbons from Tulare County Fair

 In the Novice Division Marileigh Coon, ’25 took first place, earning her spot in the Experienced division. In the Experienced division, Marileigh Coon ‘25 and Adam Judson ’25 landed in fourth and sixth places.

In the highly competitive Advanced division, Redwood standout Lillie Wasem ’23 ended her day placing fifth overall against some of the toughest competitors in the state. 

In the Dairy barn, Redwood’s own Madison Andrade took a pair of third-place awards for her yearling and two-year-old heifer among some highly respective competition. Andrade also won Dairy Showmanship for the FFA Division. 

 Redwood Rangers had a strong performance in sheep showmanship Wednesday afternoon.

Elise Bradshaw ‘22 placed first in her class, Kadence Hutchings ‘22 placed fifth in her class, and Shelby Wisehart placed fourth in her class.

Lillie Wasem placed third in her class.

Reagan Bramble ‘23 placed sixth in her class.

Jerett Crass ‘24 placed fourth in his class.

Adam Judson, Sadie Hemphill ‘25, and Marileigh Coon all placed third in their respective classes. 

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