By: Sabrina Hirani

Coffee has become very popular among teenagers. At lunch and after school there are many people at at the drive thru getting a coffee simply because of how delicious it is. Since we have a few coffee shops around town, here are some of their popular drinks that people should try.


Starbucks is one of the most popular coffee shops in Visalia. They have a variety of drinks like Frappuccino’s, Iced Coffee, Refreshers and so much more. Here are a few popular drinks from Starbucks that people get.

The first one is a Vanilla Latte. It is one of Starbucks most popular drinks. If you guys don’t know, it is a coffee with a hint of sweetness which makes it the most popular drink.

The next one is the Iced White Chocolate Mocha. This drink is a white chocolate mocha just iced. By far, this is one of the most popular iced drinks at Starbucks because of its flavor.

Another drink that is really popular is the Java Chip Frappuccino. The Java Chip Frappuccino is coffee blended with mocha sauce, mocha chips, milk and ice. People say that this drink is like the Double Chocolate Frappuccino but with more flavor and it is worth a try. There are many other popular drinks at Starbucks, but these 3 drinks are probably the most popular. 

Dunkin’ Donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts is another chain that is popular in coffee. Dunkin’ Donuts has a variety of drinks like lattes, mocha lattes, coffee blends and so much more. Here are the top 3 popular drinks from Dunkin’ Donuts.

The first drink is just a simple original blend (hot or iced) with or without flavor. Dunkin coffee is usually pretty smooth and the flavor of this coffee is bitter which they are known for. Many people complete this drink with whipped cream and toppings for a little excitement or look for a little change.

The next drink that is really popular is a Dunkin caramel swirl latte (iced or hot). This drink is like the caramel mocha but just a little less sweet, a little more creamy, and less chocolate. This drink blends well with the caramel flavor and is softened by milk.

Lastly, another popular drink Hazelnut Mocha (hot or iced). This drink has a hint of coffee flavor and the hazelnut flavoring adds a little bit of bitterness to finish the drink. Most people say that this drink is better served hot because then the flavoring comes in better. Dunkin Donuts has more drinks like the Charli Drink, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Nutella Surprise and more, but these 3 drinks are the more popular drinks that people get.

Dutch Bros

Dutch Bros is another coffee chain that is really popular. One of the coffee shops just opened in Visalia and it has been super popular ever since. Dutch Bros sells more than coffee, they sell lemonades, teas, smoothies, frosts, etc. Here are 3 popular drinks at Dutch Bros.

The first one is a White Chocolate Annihilator. This drink can be made iced, hot, or blended. This drink has flavors of white chocolate and chocolate macadamia nut which is great for all the white chocolate lovers.

The next drink that is popular is the Flap Jack Breve. This drink can be made hot, iced, or blended. The flavors in this drink are salted caramel, vanilla, and white chocolate. It is a burst of different flavors and that is why this drink is really popular.

The last drink is the White Zombie Mocha. This drink can be made hot, iced, or blended. The flavors in this drink are white chocolate and vanilla and it also comes with chocolate milk when you order it as a mocha. This drink is more for the chocolate lovers. Like I said, there are other drinks at Dutch Bros that you can discover, but these are more of the popular ones.

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