By: Annabelle Williamson

On May 7th 2019, the VUSD School Board approved Superintendent Dr. Oto’s resignation from the board by 5-2 majority. The board underwent a 48 minute closed session to discuss the actions they were going to take regarding Dr. Oto submission for resignation.

Dr. Oto was formerly a principal at Redwood High School and a teacher at Mt. Whitney during his 32 years serving with VUSD. Many Redwood teachers including Mrs. Galvan, Mr. Feehan, and Mr. Coon spoke out during the public comment on closed session topics. As our former principal, teachers at Redwood feel the approval of the resignation of Dr. Oto would be a mistake of the board as his good will and respect have earned him the spot he holds today.

Mr. Coon, Redwood AG teacher, spoke in favor of Dr. Oto, telling the board about the “leadership that Dr. Oto has provided during his tenure”. Mr. Coon also addressed the board with the accomplishments he felt Dr. Oto helped the schools accomplish during his time as Superintendent, stating that during his tenure Career and Technical Education programs have put “the and in college and career readiness”.

Oto had broad district support. In addition to the Redwood teachers who spoke, many El Diamante and Mt. Whitney students and teachers also urged the board to consider the ideas they were presenting.

Mrs. Perez, EDHS teacher, addressed the board on their lack of transparency with the public about their intentions. “I went back to search my emails to see if I had missed some kind of survey addressing the issue, some kind of invitation to all of the teachers inviting us to come speak before you, some open agenda item. But nothing, there was absolutely nothing.”

Perez also supported Dr. Oto’s leadership. “I have been in this district when we have had questionable leaders… but that is not who we have right now… I have never once questioned the integrity and good intentions of our superintendent and his team.”

Mrs. Audra Naylor, ASB advisor, and Mr. Naylor, a science teacher, both from Mt. Whitney, also added to the comments made by many of the teachers working alongside her. She brought up with her many silent protesters who were holding up yellow signs that read “We support Dr. Oto”. Many audience members also joined into the protest in support of Dr. Oto by holding up the signs during the speech.

Chloe Brooks, Mt Whitney senior and ASB board representative, also spoke. Brooks has been a part of ASB for 3 years but this is her first year as an appointed Board Representative. “When I became a member of the board, Dr. Oto was nothing but respectful and welcoming to me. He was one of the only members who greeted me and continuously made sure I was prepared for these meetings” Brooks said. “I am grateful for Dr. Oto and the tools he has given me to succeed in my life. He is a prime example of a professional member who has the students of VUSD best interests at heart.”

Dr. Oto will continue to act as the VUSD Superintendent until the end of the 2018/2019 school year to ensure a strong leadership transition. In the same board meeting, Assistant Superintendent Tamra Ravlin was appointed interim superintendent and will work with Dr. Oto on the transition process.

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