By: Sydney Brammer

The JV girls water polo team had their first tournament at Golden West last weekend. They fought hard, communicated well, and developed closer to each other as a team!
They competed against Tulare Western and Mt. Whitney for their first two games of the tournament. Redwood had a great, strong first game against Tulare Western, the score being 10-4. Way to start off a tourney!
The second game against Mt. Whitney was a tough one- the score ending as 9-1, but they played strong and never gave up! The second and final day of the tournament was on Saturday. Their opponents? Reedley then home team, Golden West. The first game of the day was another great win! The score was 6-4, showing Reedley, Redwood is number one! Lastly, the final game of the very successful tournament was against home team, Golden West. What a great game! Neck and neck, eager to score the winning goal. The final score being 6-7, Golden West.
Redwood should be extremely proud of the way they played last weekend. Each and every player kept a positive attitude through every game and were supporting each other with each win and loss. Here are some of what the players think of the season so far.

Payton Lapp (’22) played amazing every game last weekend! She never quit when a ball slipped by, and took every advantage she saw. She played strong and was a great teammate to the team. Her favorite thing about playing water polo so far is, “How fast the game is.”

Isabelle (Belle) Gendron (’21) scored so many goals last weekend you couldn’t keep track! She played strong, and was a leader in and out of the pool. She helped her team with multiple wins and through the losses, kept her head up and learned from her mistakes to play even better the next game. She is very proud of her team and what they’ve accomplished and is ready for more, she says, “A lot of us don’t know what we’re doing yet, but we’re learning a lot more about the game as Tom Felsted coaches us exactly what we need to know.”

Madison Mckercher (’22) another talented player on the team is very proud of the way the season is going so far. After the third game she says, “We’re getting a lot better as a team, and we’ve improved a lot since our first game.” Madison is a great addition to the team. She does her best every time she’s in the game and loves playing water polo!

Lastly, Paloma Vital (’21) is one of the many leaders on the JV water polo team. She has high expectations for the team, but also has an abundance of confidence in her and her teammates. She says, “We’re all at different skill levels, so all of our goals are to improve mentally as players so by the end of the season, we’ll be more cooperative with each other and get more wins and work better as a team.”
Sydney Brammer
Sydney Brammer, '22 is currently in her fourth year writing for the Redwood Gigantea. She has a strong passion for featuring the humans of Redwood, and enjoys putting the spotlight on the underdog. She has written for the Visalia Times Delta and Sungazette Sports. You can reach her by email at
Tags: girls, girls water polo, Redwood, redwood football, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood highschool, redwood journalism, redwood ranger, redwood rangers, redwood sports, redwood water polo, redwoodhighschool, redwoodrangers, water polo, waterpolo